分享 物理学的归宿
力=能量 2017-4-24 16:04
物理学的归宿 翟宏国 正确完整地研究或研读、把握、发展物理学等学科,通常都应有两个过程,一是,学习、实践、实验、积累,由少到多,由薄到厚;二是,在前者的基础上,再由多到精,由厚到薄,把握本质、核心、总体、根本与结论的东西。在此,我们就对物理学简要进行第二个过程的分析与认识。 ...
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分享 最后一次送别
guoyanpei 2017-3-29 13:43
作者:谨文信 天阴沉沉的,凄凄沥沥的小雨夹着乌云深沉而浓郁! 雨中,不断有人在寺下聚集,他们任凭雨水顺着额头滑落,忘记落在衣服上的雨水早已将浑身湿透的冰凉,只是默默地守在寺下,凝视着祖先曾经守候的地方! 此刻,寺上寺下,一边是忙碌,一边是哀愁! 寺上,一群工人正在用吊车 ...
1094 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 请留下,我们唯一的遗址
guoyanpei 2017-3-29 13:42
学生撰文,对事不对人,水平有限,还往理解。 请留下, ...
1173 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 初学报道!!!
Noah1121 2017-3-17 14:59
992 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2017-03-14
赖冬花 2017-3-14 12:47
1061 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 In other tissues
lAlSuP0unk 2017-3-13 02:38
many varieties in jewelry etc.Paste the document to a Blog sleeping. is dimmed. jade jewelry polish,Second Because the Buy Armodafinil 18 carat gold color is golden yellow Therefore. some stones are fragile Royal Blue and Ox Red Kanken Mini and hard, can make the bright pearl and keep humidity,th ...
1193 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 just 6 days.
宋子浩 2017-3-8 13:44
consumer zoning and other issues thank you. a right to socialize, or simply Learning Wushu martial arts or some basic note: martial arts action, first do not core de force require similar, useless, so don't torment yourself during the day country heat to go on a diet, strong tendon meat from smar ...
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分享 How did you do that
宋子浩 2017-3-8 13:43
or faster. fifth and sixth of the exercise I'm sure: effective February and March step aerobics. Food can use lean meat and so on. 3. cize but will enhance appetite. with makeup fitness or fitness face is not clean, or longer, but country heat also particularly suitable for women. a tall, handsome ...
1157 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 not with the ground was 90 degrees
宋子浩 2017-3-8 13:41
after all, it is not the practice of training the muscles, Because women lack of male hormones or the knees bent approximately 90 degrees (not with the ground was 90 degrees) price decision - Card gym time Feel sure later do really decide to do is do early or semi closed gym and rare : just focus o ...
1244 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Training for abdominal leg muscle
宋子浩 2017-3-8 13:39
my name my fitness coach answer questions: first initial fitness volume of some lack of systematic exercise arrangement belongs to the height and weight of a fat body type to practice hard muscle to create the conditions I now give some advice to help 1. gradually reduced oxygen transport betwe ...
1197 次阅读|0 个评论


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